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For Ham in London, and cyclists everywhere who know how this goes in the life of a commuting cyclist. This cyclist was in the midst of a change when I walked past in the Cascade neighborhood. Seattle has a basic grid of bike lanes and a premier path called the Burke Gilman Trail, but the riding around here is urban and hilly, and very challenging to share the road in some places. On the plus side, it is legal to ride on the sidewalk. . .something verboten where we lived in the SF Bay Area. Noting this guy is only wearing a woolly hat, I urge any riders seeing this to consider wearing a sturdy helmet; it saved my husband's life when he was hit by a truck and landed on his head. Seattle Seattle+Daily+Photo bicycle cyclist Cascade street+scene urban commutetraffic transportation people bike bicycling
Oh yes, I know the feeling, just not that often as I commute on kevlar armoured tyres. It's a pretty clean and shiny bike, though. I'd also add my voice to the "wear a helmet" advice. I do all the time now, after getting an impromtu flying lesson.
I am afraid my husband does all the changing of tyres in our household (i put out the bin)
In the netherlands it's very uncommon to wear helmets. Except for children maybe.
We're a very flat country and although a car can still make you fly, most people think helmets are too much fuss.
helmet? absolutely!!
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