Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
This period piece barber shop in Ballard, Smitty's, seemingly hasn't changed a thing since the day it opened long ago. It's no Rudy's, but there's a big plate glass window revealing two chairs, clients and barbers at work. You might expect Andy and Barney to come in looking for Floyd.
Finally, you're on the portal. Yea! Interesting B&W, and very cultural, too.
Ah ha! You are finally back on the portal! I'm very glad. With the new portal system I can mark you as a favorite.
I could easily believe that this picture was shot in the late 60s or early 70s with the black-and-white, very old-fashioned barbershop and the man's hair and dress.
Kate and Strangetastes, Thanks so much. It's good to be back on the visual portal after the techie glitch that dropped a lot of us! SDP's address still is not in the automated list from the pull down continent menus, but I bet that will be remedied before long as well!
Thanks for your kind comments. I took it in B&W and in color and ended up favoring the B&W just for that reason. If I didn't know better, this could be a long-ago shot. His sideburns, I guess.
Lovely to find you on the portal! Looks as if this guy needs a haircut!
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
Pat, Thanks for noticing. Yes, I'm back up on the visual portal, thanks to the wizardry of Igor. Something went wrong with feed compatibility in the old portal and many blogs dropped from sight for many months. Hopefully we're all back in sight! So nice to hear from you, Pat. Doesn't this guy look like he stepped right out of 1970s band, or an actor on break from a Jane Austin / C. S. Forester costume drama?
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