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Today is the last day of school for Seattle public school children, and its a half day at that. A popular place for fun during summer's lazy days is Carkeek Park in the north of Seattle. The park is fronted by a beach along Puget Sound, and has a lovely green grassy area up hill with picnic tables, grills, a children's playground, Pipers Creek and nature discovery programs. A pedestrian bridge to the beach passes over the active Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad line. That is where this mom and her children are casting their shadows onto a moving train as they wave goodbye to another school year and welcome in the long sunny days.
Ah...the last day of school,so many fond memories..
I specially love to remember the last days when the sisters made us wax our wooden desks and clean the white little china container,set in each desk, that contained the blue ink ,with clorox!!!
A superb photograph of shadows on the moving train...
That last day of school picture is the best yet. Nice work.
Schools around here have been out for a little over a week now.
Our gasoline prices are $3.99 a gallon.
Their shadows are cast on a Rebanco garbage container I guessing heading east of the Cascades to the massive land fill near Spokane. That container might be full of garbage from Sitka as a couple of those leave here each week. Now isn’t that nice of us to send you are garbage? (Lol)
School got out here about 2 weeks ago. I see the kids out having fun.
Marie-Noyale, Ah you bring back wonderful memories! Although we weren't given bleach, we did have to clean out our desks! And those of us who helped teacher straighten up the supply cupboards often were rewarded with clean and colorful paper discards to use at home.
Abe, our schools start after Labor Day (yes!) and go a wee bit longer than most, even longer if there have been snow days. I filled up last week for $4.26, and its 4.36 now so consider your area fortunate!
Marcel, Thanks! That is so fun to know. These containers were stacked two high, and I'd no idea of their possible content. It's amazing what comes through on the trains. . .the most fun are the wingless Boeing airplane fuselages from the Everette plant to the north.
Thanks for your kind comments from afar everyone!
"Louis" paid $4.419 in San Francisco Sunday - the only time in 32 years in the Bay Area that he has found gas to be LESS expensive in San Francisco than in the East Bay. The Arco near Chez la Vache in the East Bay has regular unleaded posted at $4.569. One of Chuck Pefley's Vespas is looking good right now!
Very nice montage of summer-themed shots, Kim!
Fantastic shot, Kim...brilliant!
Very creative! I love the shadow!
Nice work, Kim! Marcel is right about the Rabanco container ... they are a waste management company. ~Chuck
les ombres sont superbes, j'aime beaucoup.
the shadows are beautiful, I love.
Love the BNSF photos. I just took a photo of an engine parked by Port Gardner while on a quick business trip up to Everett. Had absolutely perfect weather both on Monday & Tuesday.
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