Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
To this nation you were like a voice in the wilderness crying, "Make the paths straight," a light refusing to be put out by the darkness, a tree planted by the water of life and unmoved by adversity, the stature of your silhouette still looms in our dark landscape showing a way down the road of peace and reconciliation. Thank you for going ahead of us Dr. King. May we all get there with you.
Beautiful and powerful words and image. Thanks for this, Kim.
Yes indeedy! Yesterday's concert celebration was beautifully rich in reference and symbolism. How lucky we are to see it!
Perfect photograph to go with your moving words, Kim. Today, somehow seems a more important MLK day than normal with the immensity of what is about to happen tomorrow. Sometimes it's hard to breath - it's such a moment in history. May we all get there with Dr. King - I so agree.
This captures the sense of incubation that this country is experiencing now. The hazy brightness of possibility. Excellent entry, Kim. Thanks.
Awesome, Kim. MB
Love this picture!
I'm going to be in Seattle for a couple of days later this week. Can't wait...
That is so beautiful I have tingles. And this photo is my favorite yet.
That's an amazing photo. I subscribed to the rss feed in google reader so I can look forward to these photos every morning.
Good pic, nice words, great post.
Not only can you take a great picture, but you have a way with words as well! Beautiful!
Beautiful in every way words and image.
Just fabulous - makes the hair go up on the back of my neck.
What a fantastic picture. Amazingly eerie!
This is stunning!
Fantastic photo!
A great image!
Wow, what a striking shot. The colors almost look like fire!
Thanks to each and every one of you for your kind comments. I appreciate it!
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