Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Built for the 1962 Century 21 Exposition, Seattle's Monorail travels a 1.2 mi (1.9 km) elevated route from Seattle Center to Westlake Center in the heart of the downtown shopping core. Here it is returning to its home base on the former World's Fair campus and will pass right through the undulating "melting guitars" roof of the colorful Experience Music Project. Just five years ago plans were seriously afoot to significantly expand the monorail system, but were nixed. You can read about that here.
Nice one. It's like a miniature. Have you done this with tilt lens?
Thanks Ben. I wish I had a tilt-shift lens :-). For this I used a free on-line tilt-shift simulator.
Wonderful shot, it really looks like a model railway. Absolutely fantastic.
Really creative shot. I feel as if I've stepped into Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.
I like these shots of yours with the tilt! This one reminds me of my train set I had when I was little!
I like this and I agree with the other comments, it looks like a scaled down toy version. Nice.
I'm with brattcat -- I can almost hear the bell and picture Mr. Rogers looking down on this scene. Very cool photo; I almost want to get an iPhone so I can take photos like this!
All this talk about tilt-shift lenses sent me running to Wikipedia. Interesting effect. Color me enlightened.
It's a "Hot Wheels Monorail". Very good job on the tilt-shift Kim I really like this one.
As many times as «Louis» has been to Seattle, he's managed to miss riding the monorail. Neat shot, Kim!
It looks teeny tiny. Cute. MB
wow...nice shot1 awesome..
That is darling - looks like a modern Mr. Roger's neighborhood! You were standing at just the right spot too.
Sorry I didn't try to get together with you while up there. I sure did want to but didn't know if I'd have time to do any sight seeing. It was a 2-day turnaround. I snuck in the library visit between meetings and dinner, Ballard & locks btw meetings and flight home. Next time for sure. Enjoy your OC weekend...ordered good weather esp. for you. :)
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