Photo & Text © 2011 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
It is the first of the month City Daily Photo Bloggers' theme day: Under Construction. This huge and colorful mural adorns 135 feet of the eastern side of the 24 foot high bright red wall that surrounds the Capitol Hill Light Rail station construction site (also seen in yesterday's photo). Note the ginormous red crane swinging its weight around in the blue sky above! This mural was designed by Baso Fibonacci (that's his spray-painted likeness on the right) and painted in record time by Zach Rockstad and Japhy Witte (check out this video of the guys at work). They started by painting over the red with a pink, green, and gray camouflage pattern, then painted the fantasy figures over that. Street artists gone muralists with gallery cred :-). The mural is one in a series curated by performance artist DK Pan for Sound Transit's STart Capitol Hill Wall Project (you can see many of the other works here). This wall will be up for five years while the station takes shape within. To see how the construction theme was interpreted in cities around the globe, click here to view thumbnails for all participants.
He seems to be shouting the scene into existence.
Yeah ODP, he talks a bit about it in the brief video.
That is a nice graffiti. Good shot.
I used to live right by this. Kind of glad to be away from the noise. So glad, however, that Seattle is finally getting the Light Rail it needs!
They all have very cool names!
I love this street-type art. And here I was just commenting on Irina's Moscow blog that we don't "pretty up" our construction sites at all. How wrong I was!
Now, I like that very much.
An original take on the theme. Far better than a pile of concrete or steel.
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