Following my thoughts of how we form little global communities via our personal screens, I caught this shot from El Diablo Coffee Co., a popular cafe with world travelers (they display postcards their patrons send from their worldwide travels). I loved the brightly painted interior on this overcast summer evening, the lively conversation at one table contrasted with the solitary screen users at the others. Wifi, wine, and thou . . .
c. 2006 Seattle Daily Photo
Weeee, many accidents for keyboards to come ! Sugared coffee is very very bad for Vaio's :-)
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Kim well done! The paints of the wall ,the decoration and the candels ...what's a lovely cafe to shot!
wonderful post kim! it's looking more like this the world over: the 3 Ws ;)
Great shot! The colorful interior looks great!
Welcome to the community from Manila, Philippines!
Thank you all for your warm welcome and kind comments!
Chris, LOL about the dangers of sugared coffee to that particular laptop--I hope that's not something you learned from experience yourself. ;^)
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