He didn't quite get to vanishing point on the second story of a two-story tall illuminated escalator. But, it sure made me dizzy to shoot this photo of the fellow in the dark suit while moving myself. You can see the first part of this very long escalator ride and a detail of the top most part here. Designer of the new Central Seattle Public Library, Rem Koolhaas, certainly was not afraid of bold color. This yellow is on the greenish-side of the spectrum, very much the color of Banana Slugs. Is there an interesting escalator near you?
c. 2006 Seattle Daily Photo
wonderful shot kim! the lemon yellow (slugs?) is very calming. I'll go on a lookout for interesting escalators here in KL.
I'm sure we have some interesting escalators, but it would be hard to rival the new Seattle Library. My wife and I are actually from that area so we like seeing the old (and new) sites. Thanks.
Edwin, I will look forward with anticipation for ANYTHING you take a photo of. You have a magic lens! -K.
OC Photo, This is too funny! I am from YOUR area originally, and I love seeing how home has changed. Loved seeing folks at the Wedge, where all my friends used to knee ride--there and Hunington. Does anybody knee ride anymore? It used to be regional specialty. -K.
No, that's wrong, one would get creamed on a board there--I'm thinking of someplace else. Huntington for sure for knee riders.
Great color and perspective! Haven't seen an escalator this beautiful before. Glad to know that money is being put into the library instead of taken away.
Minneapolis also has a great library with great photo ops, but since I'm in St. Paul....This photo is quite lovely: color, perspective, everything!!
Felicia and Kate, thank you very much.
Hi Kim! Wow that yellow is striking! Makes my eyes hurt ;-) But lovely picture nevertheless.
Nice shot! I like the color and the angle of the escalator.
This photo is awesome, I think especially because of the coloring. Nice!
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