This photo taken at Shilshole Bay Marina is the post I had intended for today. Seattle is said to have more boats per capita than any other US city. Here are a few of them behind the breakwater on the Sound, looking southwest toward Bainbridge Island and the Olympic Mountains (hidden in this shot by a cloud bank). Which boat would you pick to sail away on?
c. 2006 Seattle Daily Photo
I like sailing, boats and being near the sea, so Seattle seems to me a great city!
I like sailboats much better than power boats. All of the boats in your photo look quite appealing!
Another nice shot. I was born in Seattle but left at 9 months. Your blog takes me nearer my eventual return - love it!
Lovely picture, other photos are very interesting.
Thank you for stopping by to see my photos.
Luggi - Glad you like it. It's a bit different feel than Marina Del Rey, eh?
Alice - Seems like you would love it. A bit gray right now, but usually all summer it's brilliant blue skies from 5 AM until 9:30 PM. Because Seattle's on a sound, it's a bit different feel than an ocean shore, and very lovely.
Felicia - I'm with you. I love the quite of a sailboat with just the snapping of the wind.
Neorelix - Thanks. Amazing that someone from Cambridge had his roots here. Or maybe not if your parents were scholars. . .
Jazzy - Thanks, and you're welcome. The pleasure was mine viewing your photos.
This shot could easily have been taken here in Williamstown , an old sea fairing community just minutes out of the main city of Melbourne.
it's spelled "shilshole", and pronounced [shils-HOLE], not [SHIL-shoal]
Rob, thanks for the correction. Apparently I'm not the only one to make this mistake: a Google under the wrong spelling brings up tons of links, too.
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