
Monday, August 14, 2006

Okay, Which One of You Put Metro Up to This?

Posted by Picasa So I'm walking along and this bright poster across the street catches my eye. I cross to find someone is putting personal messages to me on government posters! Hey, I already ride my bike to work. ;^)

Looks like METRO has a campaign afoot to increase ridership of all kinds. It's easy to use the bus system in conjunction with bicycling--there is a convenient bike rack on the front of each bus.

(It's Monday, and we can all use some fun to start the work week!)


  1. Well, did you have a good workout? Yes, fun is fun!!

  2. I love the wheel graphic on the poster. At first I thought it was a sun, but then figured it out...very cool!

  3. I envy you Seattle-ites your bicycling ease. Sydney is a nightmare.

  4. Ha ha, very good! We have the bicycle racks on our buses too...but they are always empty! You know why? Because Indianapolis needs to GET A CLUE!!! No bicycle lanes! GRRR

  5. Christina, It's a little Blogger function that Kate at Minniapolis Daily Photo told me about. It's been helpful since for the past month I've had extreemly limited time at the computer at odd times of the day,(and Blogger has been nearly IMPOSSIBLE to work with--hoping to abandon ship to WordPress soon. . .) so needed some way to post date things by a few hours.

    Thanks to each of you for your kind comments.


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