
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Art Underfoot

This eclectic tile patio is in the triangular plaza behind the Lenin statue (featured a few days ago). There are outdoor tables for a gelato shop and a seafood taco restaurant. It's an inviting place to sit and people watch, chat, eat, read, let your toddler find ponies, salmon, seashells, and cupboard door handles in the cement. It's huge, and one could spend hours looking at all the wonderful embedded tidbits. Click here for some fun detailed views. I had thought for a long time that I would like to photograph this; then one day I was telling someone about SDPhoto and he said, "You know, there's this tile patio in the Fremont that would be really cool. . ." That cinched it.

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  1. I'm just catching up on your blog and I'm so amazed at how much Seattle has changed. Thank you so much for capturing it for me. I haven't been back in such a long time, and when people ask me if I'd ever move back to the U.S. after living in Paris so long, I usually say, "no, unless it was Seattle". So consider me an honorary Seattlite!

  2. Kim, this is just the KEWLEST thing!!! What a great way to recycle, spiff up the place and create some beautiful art!!! And how'd you know I've been wanting to try some mosaic (want to do a little round garden tabletop)...might just have to really DO it now...thanks for the inspiration!!! (=


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