
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Final Scene: Happy Landings

Photo & Text Copyright 2006 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

What goes up comes down more or less okay. These two guys repeated many slides down the rail, but none with landings quite like this. If that had been me coming down on my shoulder and hand, I don't think I'd be getting up to do it again. To see what happens next and to view more skateboarding shots, click my More Seattle Stuff page.


  1. Voila, comment j'ais finis a mon seul essais, et je ne me suis pas releve ;o))

  2. That is pretty much what I look like when I try to skate. 15 years ago might have been a different story.

  3. Yikes. At my age, I can hear the bones crushing, too. I didn't realise you posted almost as often on your other blog, too. Some gems, there.

  4. DOH!

    Great timing for your shot.. well done!

  5. Ooops! missed it! But funny for his friend though...

  6. Translation of Olivier's comment : This is how I ended up on the first time I tried riding a skate. Couldn't pick myself up after that ;o))

    Personally I think it's a fantastic picture. What a high definition for a moving moment, and how striking! Congratulations!


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