
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Seattle Window Shopping

Photo & Text Copyright 2006 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This is Pete. He's a Brittany (smallest of the pointer/hunting dog breeds). I met him when he planted his paws on the window ledge next to me to see what I was looking at in a shop window. He liked what he saw and was very interested. If you'd like to see what Pete and I were looking at, click on my More Seattle Stuff page.


  1. I like the way that he is looking at you.Your new friend he is lovely ,give him a hug for me please!
    Nice post.

  2. Your photo made me laugh when it appeared. I also like the second photo showing what you were looking at.

  3. Nice shot ! In France, you would be said he is an épagneul breton. As my neighbour owns one Brittany, I receive frequent wheedlers from the pet :)

  4. tres belle photo, il est tres mignon ce chien.

    very beautiful photograph, it is very nice this dog.

  5. He's cute, what a lovely dog! How much is that doggy in the window?

  6. hello little boy! he's just adorable.


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