
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Snowy Olympics Sun Break

Photo & Text Copyright 2006 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Eleven days of the Pineapple Express storm system off the Pacific dumped quite a snow blanket on the Olympic Mountains, seen here yesterday morning poking their heads up above Bainbridge Island and a cloud bank beyond. I shot this during a brief sun break early yesterday morning, looking west over the Puget Sound. You can find my fellow city daily photo blogger Lavender Lady of Sequim Daily Photo in her lovely setting to the far north (right) of this mountain range. Sequim gets less rain than Seattle, and far less still than the famous rain forest on the west of the Olympic Peninsula that these mountains dominate.


  1. As tired as I get of the rain, I never tire of the sunsets and sunrises - those crazy peeks of clearness and beauty we get between the storms!

  2. this is stunning. i love how you captured the gradient blues.

  3. fabuleuse photo, j'adore la couleur, toute cette palette de bleue. superbe

    fabulous photograph, I adore the color, all this pallet of blue. superb

  4. So winter has arrived. I liked your narration, too. I can 'hear' the sudden change of the weather.


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