
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Cinema Deco

This movie theater on 45th Street has wonderful art deco lines, including elements of the marquee and lights. I always think of the Jean Harlow era of movies when I see period features like this.


  1. Super ce cinema, en effet tres art deco. cela fait penser aux annees 1960, au feuilleton "Happy Days". tres bonne idee de post. superbe

    Super this cinema, indeed very art deco. that made think of the years 1960, the serial “Happy Days”. very good idea of post. superb

  2. The Guild 45th is; I think, the last of older generation theatres in Seattle.

    It is a blast to not only go to the Guild, but it's still pleasing to the eye. For the reason you mention. Very art-deco and an individual personality that you don't see in today's average multi-plex theatres.

    Great photo!

  3. Oh, I love those retro buildings


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