
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Decisions, Decisions

Photo & Text Copyright 2006 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Be sure to click on the photo for a larger view of these patrons looking for the perfect design idea at a tattoo and piercing shop. This is a popular art form here, and Seattle has some incredibly talented practicing artists. I liked the color of her boots and purse and the stool tops, as well as her striped skirt, the stool stripes, floor pattern and the reflection in the steel counter.


  1. Great shot! I really like the framing of the shot. The red with gold dragon... is that a dragon??? who cares, it's awesome!

  2. hope she's not choose that design for her arm?! i particularly like the jacket

  3. je trouve les tatouages tres beaux sur les autres. moi, deja quand on me fait une prise de sang je m'evanouie ;o) alors je n'ose imaginer un tatouage (ou pire un piercing).
    tu as choisi quoi ?

    I find tattooings very beautiful on the others. me, already when one makes me a blood test I disappeared ;o) then I do not dare to imagine a tattooing (or a worse piercing). you chose what?

  4. Wonderful framing! I remember getting my tattoo, very tense, exciting scene.

  5. Great photo of one of Seattle's best tattoo studios.

    Whatever is selected will be done very well by the fine artists at Slave.


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