
Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Bookstore to Linger In

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Elliott Bay Book Company is a much beloved institution in Seattle. Although one could run in and pick up a selection and be off in a moment, this is a place to savor at length and let one's mind wander through all the offerings. The cafe downstairs beckons you and your newly purchased tome to spend even more time enjoying the atmosphere. This is a partial peek at one section. Enjoy a relaxing Sunday. . .perhaps with a good book!


  1. wow!!! I love those places!! I love the smell there... :)
    Happy sunday to you too!

  2. nice bookstore....happy sunday! ,

  3. Hi Kim,

    Thank you so much for coming by my blog and telling me your site wasn't on my sidebar. I have updated and it's now back. I didn't take it out; maybe that happened somehow when I switched from beta to the new template.

    I think I'd love to spend an afternoon at the Elliott Bay Book Company. I may be coming to Seattle this summer and I think I'll make it a point to visit this place.

  4. Dsole & Prash, Thank you! Yes, it doesn't matter if it's Madrid or PA or Seattle, I'm sure the smell and the warmth of a bookstore anywhere around the world is a good thing.

    Annie, thanks so much for updating that. You are very kind. If you do get out here, I hope we can meet up, maybe go for a photo stroll,


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