
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Calder From A Moving Car

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Sunset view of Eagle (1971 Alexander Calder). I've abandoned hope in shooting while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle, but my daughter picked up the camera as we were driving past in this lovely light. The Olympic Sculpture Park opens Saturday January 20 (click the link for Flickr photo group preview shots). Tomorrow I will post a suggestion for a late evening music outing in the Fremont district to top off your Saturday plans if you are up for more fun in Seattle and like really good bands.


  1. how are you, Kim? great silhouette shot!

    All these snow in Seattle! I didn't get to experienced them a few years back :)

  2. what a silhouette! It seems like a dolphin to me!

  3. Your daughter took a GREAT shot! Nice!

  4. Yes, great shot! I got a new bigger camera recently and it is harder to handle while driving so I haven't tried it in a while...

  5. I love the silhouette effect agains the peachy colored sky. Beautiful


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