
Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunset Ducks & Geese (My 200th Post!)

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

There is a public access dock and launch ramp into the ship canal at the end of 24th Ave. NW in Ballard. These geese and ducks were hanging out there at sunset. The colors of the sky and clouds reflected in the water seemed dreamy to me. BTW, this is SDP's 200th post! Check out the archives if you are a new visitor.


  1. Kim this is absolutely superb! The reflections are beautiful!
    I went back to your January 1st post and definitely agree with you that this close up shot of oars over the water are one of your best shots. You definitely do water pictures very well.

    Only came back from holidays last week and trying to catch up with work and city blogs. Going back through yours was a delight. Many lovely shots there! Looking fwd to coming back.

    And... I almost forgot! Congratulations on your 200th, that's quite a feat, as any of us would know...

  2. what a great photo to celebrate the, i love it!

  3. Kim I went back and commented on a good number of your previous shots. Just had to!

  4. This photo is beautiful, I like the little waves in the water and the colours and the dark ducks... :)
    CONGRATULATIONS!! It must be great to reach this number.. I'm only in my 35th or so... ;)

  5. superbe photo. la lumiere et les silhouettes sont tres belles.
    Felicitation pour ton 200th post. Bravo et bonne continuité

    superb photograph. the light and the silhouettes are very beautiful. Congratulation for your 200th post. Cheer and good continuity

  6. Great photo. Congratulations on your 200th post!!

  7. Congrats on 200 Kim! This shot is just ducky..AND beautiful too! The water's so.....well, so......FLUID! LOL! Guess that's what water's SUPPOSED to do! DUH! LOL! =)

  8. This is beautiful. I would love to see more photos from Ballard. I lived there years ago and have heard that it has changed quite a lot.

    Love your blog- I check it out almost daily.

  9. Well done on reaching 200 and for yet more ducks -- there was a spate of swans on several DPs recently!


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