
Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved including reproduction or republishing.

Since so many folks registered the "ew" facttor about the gum wall featured yesterday, I thought I'd show you another uniquely Seattle sight that might seem distasteful. "Sylvester" is a supposedly naturally mummified murder victim found in the Arizona desert in the late 1800s (click on the link to learn the more likely scenario). No matter his origin, he has most certainly resided at Ye Olde Curiosity Shop on Seattle's waterfront for many, many decades. Chances are if you've visited Seattle you've seen him. . .right next to the mummified woman's remains, two headed sheep, and the shrunken heads. The curio shop definitely lives up to its name and was opened in the late 1800s. It has traded in curios, legal, illegal, real, fake, amazing and for the most part as distasteful as a side show.


  1. Fascinating - its bizarre nature seems actually charming.

  2. c'est pas gentil pour stallone ;o) cette momie est impressionnante. superbe

    it is not nice for stallone; O) this mummy is impressive. superb

  3. Oh... so you can buy this mummy to put it in your living room next to TV?

  4. You post such great Seattle photos - and really manage to capture so much of what this city is about in the process. Bravo!

  5. Does that mummy have a moustache?!

  6. I read the link and wish I had not. I first saw Sylvester when I was seven and a dead cowboy in the AZ desert is really cool for a first grader.

  7. Eeeeeek factor for me!!!! Definitely not inclined to buy this to have in my living room next to the TV set.


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