
Friday, February 16, 2007

#108 In America's Favorite Architecture

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The Seattle Central Library, designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, has been voted #108 in the American Institute of Architects' list of America's Favorite Architecture. It was one of two Seattle buildings included on the list of 150 structures nationwide. The other Seattle structure included at #135 was Safeco Field. I took this photograph of the library's exterior reflected in granite and water.


  1. what a weird view! I like it even I really can't see anything but a tree! ;)

  2. a wonderfully creative photo of what appears to be a very interesting building.

  3. Dsole, yes, the reflection turns things upside down, and the building itself when viewed right side up is hard to make sense of visually. If you click the link, you can see several photos to give you a better orientation.

    Chris & Deb, Thanks so much!

    Chuckeroon, Thank you!

    Geologychick, I appreciate you're saying so! And thanks for your frequent visits to SDP.


  4. Very interesting shot. I have to really look at it to figure out what I'm seeing.

    Thanks for the comments for KT...I haven't shown them to her yet as we've all been sick, especially her. She'll be thrilled to see them, I'm sure.

    So...on to Round 3, this is so exciting!

  5. Wow, I checked your link and you were right! what an original building!

  6. What a great photo! The library is a fabulous building and a pleasure to use.

    But surely the Space Needle made the list somewhere?


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