
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Fly By

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The medical helecopter from Harborview Medical Center happened to come into the frame while I was shooting the King Street Station clock tower. This tower was modeled after the Campanile di San Marco in Venice, Italy. Tomorrow I will show you a detail of the lovely restored interior of this landmark Seattle train station.


  1. Hi there!
    I just came from my holidays break, click on the portal and saw your beautiful blue sky and this amazing building and the helecopter just at that moment... Great photo, Kim! I love how you framed it!

  2. Waouhh. surprenante et tres belle cette photo. Bravo pour la perspective.

    Waouhh. surprising and very beautiful this photograph. Cheer for the prospect.

  3. What a fantastic capture! What an opportune moment to have the helicopter arrive at the same time!

    Pat's Photos and Guelph Daily Photo


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