
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Thousand Cranes Reflection

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Or at least it seems like there are a thousand of them right now. From Pioneer Square and the I-district to downtown to Belltown , Georgetown and West Seattle, Ballard to Northgate to Wallingford and the U-district, and Capitol Hill, cranes are so common you can even glimpse them in rain puddles! Seattle is growing up up up up up up fast. This reflection of a Paul Allen "Vulcan" project crane was captured in the Cascade neighborhood.

A chance to VOTE for Seattle Daily Photo: Metroblogging Seattle has included Seattle Daily Photo in a reader's poll of best blogs of Seattle. If you would care to lend your support go to this link, to the last poll in the article called the West Seattle round I. It's easy and quick, and you can see the up to the minute results the second you click your vote. I've been paired this week with a blogger named Michael whose blog and photos of the wetlands at North Seattle Community College I very much like. The winner of this round gets paired with a winner of a different round next week. It's fun to be noticed and included in this round-up of all different kinds of blogs, from technology and politics, to food and parenting. Thanks to Dylan for all the fun!


  1. superbe reglet, les couleurs sont magnifiques. mais je n'ai pas bien compris comment voter une fois que j'ai clique sur le lien ?

    superbe reglet, les couleurs sont magnifiques. mais je n'ai pas bien compris comment voter une fois que j'ai clique sur le lien ?

  2. wow, beautiful and clean reflection!

  3. Olivier, oui. Voter, cliquer sur le lien. Il vous prendra au webpage. Allez-en au fond webpage et vous verrez la Photo Quotidienne de Seattle appariée avec un blog par Michael Hascom. Choisissez un d'entre ceux-ci, appuyez ensuite sur le VOTE. J'espère que cela aide et le merci pour votre intérêt pour supposrting SDP.

  4. Ok Kim, j'ai trouve et j'ai vote.
    Bonne chance

    Ok Kim, I have find and I have vote. Good luck

  5. Beautiful shot!

    You've got my vote!

  6. You've got my vote as well, Kim! :)

  7. you're winning now Kim! That's exciting!! ^^

  8. Great shot, whoo would of thought looking down would get you such a shot of a crane in the sky.

  9. Nice Capture. Another mirror shot!

  10. Just voted for you Kim, all the best.

    This is just my kind of shot, great find, great contrast!

  11. Very nice! Great job "seeing" the shot in the water.

    I voted for you. Much luck, and congrats on being included.

  12. Dsole, Olivier, KittyKat, Santy, thank you very much!

    pastorrick, Rodney, Nathalie, & Celine, I'm glad you liked the reflective shot. And thanks for the support!


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