
Monday, March 05, 2007

Lovely Ornimentation

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The King Street Train Station lobby has been transformed to reveal lovely ornamentation long hidden by a false ceiling. Above each doorway or archway there is large bronze signage to direct people confidently in the right direction. Plaster relief panels abundant with cornucopias of fruit surround portals which bleed light from one room into another.


  1. this is so elegant, Kim!
    And yesterdays post too!
    Actually I wonder why they just didn't a modern station instead a classic one

  2. this is really beautiful. so glad the originals were not destroyed

  3. a voté ;o) superbe, les deux dernieres photos. c'est vraiment tres beau

    voted ;O) superb, two last photographs. it is really very beautiful

  4. Very nice ornamental. Hard to imagine it was once covered up.

  5. I like the ornaments and the light. (By the way Kim, could you check your link at Mybloglog to this site. It was not working the moment I clicked, I guess they must have missed part of the adress or something)


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