
Thursday, March 29, 2007


Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Mt. Rainier seen at sunset, dominating the skyline to the south of Seattle. Urban meets the nature, big time. Many of Mt. Rainier's developed areas and facilities were overrun and destroyed during the November 2006 rains and floods. The mountain will look different to visitors this summer, although it will continue to loom over the city, seemingly unchanged.


  1. That's an impressive view alright! Is the visibility almost always this good?

  2. wow kim, when i saw your photo on the DP portal I thought it was a cloud... but what a nice surprise to see Mr Rainier mountain! Astonishing!

  3. You certainly captured the feel of it. Some days the mountain feels like a ghost to me, a shade appearing through the clouds. When I think about how big it is to be seen at that distance - it's like looking at the moon and truly feeling the scale of things. Thanks for capturing that! Beautiful.

  4. Z, Thanks. No, there are days when it can be seen through a haze, days it is shrouded in mist or clouds, etc. The days "the mountain is out" are fewer than one would think. I'm always glad to have a camera handy when I do see it.

    Dsole, Glad to surprise you with it! Thanks very much.

    Queltica, I like your analogy of it being like a ghost. Thanks very much for your kind comments!


  5. nice is too soft a word to describe this amazing shot - I cant believe you live so close - is this mt st. helens

  6. superbe, le contrasme entre les reverberes et la montage, j'adore.
    de meme le totem, mais j'ai pas trouver où mettre un commentaire.
    Je te souhaite un bon weekend

    superb, the contrasme between the reverberators and the assembly, I adore. in the same way the totem, but I do not have to find where to put a comment. I wish you a good weekend

  7. Nice shot! I'm guessing there is snow up there pretty much year round?


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