
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bald Eagle Over Magnolia Bluff

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

While out walking on the north side of the Magnolia neighborhood at sunset I saw a pair of eagles circling overhead. This one with a full white head, the other all brown mottled, which I think was a youngster. Kind of thrilling for me. I'd only seen wild bald eagles from the vantage point of a boat before, standing on beaches in the San Jaun Islands close to their nests or diving into the waves to catch some dinner. To see them soaring high on the evening wind was exciting.


  1. Wow. I can see Coopers Hawks and Turkey Vultures and Crows and never a Bald Eagle. How lucky.

  2. I recently had a beautiful bald eagle nesting in a tree right near my house in Madison Valley - he/she kept killing all the neighborhood possums. What a sight to see!

  3. Abraham, The richness of the wildlife and birds around here is amazing!

    J.David, Wow! You lucky! To me all raptors are so interesting to watch, but these eagles are just so gynormous. I've seen them fish and I've seen hawks go for rodents, but a possum! Ew! Not sure I'd want to see (or clean up after) that.

  4. Great shot! We supposedly have a bald eagle near us in Lakeville, Mass. but I've never seen it.

    One day....


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