
Monday, April 30, 2007

Tall & Short of Downtown

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The Seattle skyline is a favorite among American cities. Perhaps because it is compact and involves hilly terrain sloping back from the water front. Here is a view looking southeast that is a bit less usually than most Seattle cityscapes. Something about the proportions of the buildings in this shot makes me think of children's unit blocks on the floor instead of gigantic skyscrapers and lesser buildings in a skyline at sunset. At the bottom you can just see a glimmer of the Purple Haze portion of the EMP at Seattle Center. Best viewed large (to acess All Sizes button, become my Flickr contact from my Flickr profile page. Hope this is helpful to Abe and others who wonder how to access larger images. Thanks!)


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