
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Evening Magazine Seaplane Aloft

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I was standing on a hillside at sunset when TV's King 5 Evening Magazine seaplane flew past. Seaplanes are a common everyday sight in Seattle skies, and throughout the Pacific Northwest's Puget Sound region and especially up in Alaska. I remember being quite amazed the first time I noticed these years ago. My college roommate's dad took us all to dinner at a Lake Union restaurant, and a seaplane landed on the lake at sunset, drove right up to the restaurant's dock, and a couple got out and came in the restaurant to eat. . . Pretty exotic stuff to me at the time. I thought this sighting of something commonplace here might seem similarly exotic to some outside the region. Evening Magazine is a long-running and popular local television program, and this plane is a prominent feature. ' "Maggie", our Kenmore Air Seaplane, allows us to expand our daily destinations to a 300 mile radius. Once a week [host] John Curley flies off to spectacular locations. . .'
Well, I don't know if that is John the host looking out the window with a hand shielding his eyes, but I was thrilled to be able to see someone looking back my way so clearly on a beautiful evening.

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