
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Square Inch Gardening

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I love seeing urban gardening, even on a minute scale. Seattle at present is embracing an urban model of density based on the successes of Vancouver, BC Canada. The hope is that more and more people will live in small dwellings within the urban center, making less impact upon the environment (as I understand it). That means a push toward highrise apartment and condo living. . .something our European and Asian city dwelling friends understand well, but which cuts across the stanard grain of "the American dream of home ownership." Older apartment buildings like this one do not offer small balconies like the plethora of new condo buildings, and those who live within who wish for a bit of seasonal greenery must make do with window ledges. I admired this lovely offering outside a second story window.

1 comment:

  1. Well, living in the 'burbs I often yearn for that pied-a-terre in the city. As they say - grass is always greener...


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