
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ready For Most Anything

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I took this shot of a table top parade of condiments in a popular Seattle restaurant that prides itself in it regional American cooking. The 5 Spot on Queen Anne Hill features dishes from five areas in the USA, four of which remain constant and one of which rotates and is featured for a number of weeks. Currently they are visiting Hawaii. Book 'em, Danno! They decorate the interior for the theme (including a number of commissioned poster-sized paintings), put out special placements and table settings, and go all out to cook up really yummy offerings. This is a place you can get breakfast all day. Comfort food in a comfortable setting. Always a crowd, a pro wait staff, and attention to the fun factor by the kitchen crew.


  1. An interesting post. The narrative was good reading.

    Abraham Lincoln
    Have you ever seen a Great Blue Heron?
    Brookville Daily Photo

  2. Your photos (and captions) make me miss Seattle everyday! I think you really capture the feel of the city. Thanks!


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