
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Patrons at Purple

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Aw man. . .one of the yummiest weekend events all year, the Bite of Seattle food and wine festival at Seattle Center, and it's really raining (very unusual for late July). We were there Thursday night at closing time for the preview when there were only a few spritzes now and then, but Friday brought a real rain storm with wind. I'm hoping today lightens up so folks can enjoy visiting the over 50 restaurants and 30 other food product vendors represented in outdoor booths. So much preparation and effort goes into putting this on, so I hope the chefs and restaurant owners won't be disappointed by a low turn out. People may conclude its best to eat somewhere indoors, like this! I took this shot downtown as I was passing a really crowded restaurant called Purple. The guy on the left is so interesting in this grouping. Were I to construct a story with these characters, they would be in showbiz somehow.


  1. The man with the beard and bowler (?) hat looks intent on what the lady is looking at in her book. It is an interesting picture.

  2. Hi Kim, this is a very compelling snapshot of city life. Like you I like to imagine a story about scenes like these. These people, I think, are working on a business plan, a book deal?

  3. Your photos are simply marvelous, your city, as I have always suspected, beautiful and your connection with the universe, so empathetic.
    I am pleased to say that this is a lovely photo blog, your skills in communicating make it so enjoyable.
    Thank you.


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