
Friday, August 03, 2007

Heading Home

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A woman walks through a passage at night in the Convention Center area after an evening of shopping the summer sales. Today, Saturday, and Sunday, Seafair events will again take center stage in Seattle and pull a lot of people out to Lake Washington to see the 57th year of hydroplane races starting at 10 AM, and the Blue Angels precision jet team's air show at 1:30 PM. Then at night there will be another air show with a plane that uses some fireworks, followed by a huge music and fireworks show (the 2nd year for this display).


  1. Ah, the quiet before the celebrations. I like the black and white.

  2. Great photo! I hope the weather holds for Seattle!

  3. I can tell she's on her way home; her posture says she's tired. I like this in black and white, very much.


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