
Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Red Shoes

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This woman caused quite a stir when she crossed the street in the Fremont district yesterday evening. Heads turned, smiles emerged, conversations started. Those shoes were RED! To see this couple and some who were watching, see my More Seattle Stuff page.


  1. I check your blog everyday- I just love your photos. Could you tell me what kind of camera do you use?

  2. Fabulous shoes - but how on earth does she walk in them!?

  3. Woo-hoo, watch out: red shoes crossing! Quite stylish if I may add.

  4. Morgan, Thanks very much! I use a digital SLR. I'm sorry that I don't share further equipment specifics than that in the internet environment.

    Blueboat, I was concentrating on that flash of shiny red, but my impression was that she managed quite well. :-)

  5. This just in: Saw another pair of these in another neighborhood, this time in bright yellow high gloss patent leather. The wearer said she'd purchased them at H&M on the east coast, and that H&M has a website. . .apparently platform 4-6 inch heels in shiny and suede surfaces with peek-a-boo toes are a big look for fashionistas this fall.


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