
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Theme Day: Street Lamps & Street Signs

One Bulb Shy of  a Square

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

It is September 1st, and I FORGOT what the date was until just now. The first means it is Theme Day for City Daily Photo Bloggers. Luckily, the photo I posted below does show an interesting street lamp in an historic district of Seattle called Columbia City. But above is the photo I actually took for today. This is a lamp you will only find in the Rainier Square area of downtown Seattle. . .and it was a bulb shy of actually being square! Please take a trip around the world and see the special photos the CDP family members have for you today. Just click the links below.

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And because I seem to be calendar challenged this month, you get a bonus post for today:


Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing in any form.

This live theater venue in the heart of the Columbia City neighborhood's shopping district angles back from the street and features arched multi light windows. Many people were reading playbills along the front. As the banner indicates, Columbia City is celebrating the centennial of its annexation to Seattle. Like Ballard to the north, it had been an independent city to the south that voted to become part of Seattle in 1907. The merchants' association and community members have worked hard since the 1970s to revitalize the now thriving historic commercial district. The farmer's market and the first Friday of the month $5 "Beat Night" multi-venue live performances bring neighborhood regulars and visitors together for fun and great live music.


  1. Good morning, Kim. You have a number of signs here in this scene for September theme day.

  2. Revitalization appears to have worked. The foot traffic is busy and the playbills are plentiful ... also you have show a photo of a street light and a street sign.

  3. This looks like a great area. Happy Theme Day.

  4. Kim, thanks for the info and the wonderful street scene. I always have a soft spot for those ball lamps.

  5. Love to see the performance there . Great street scene.

  6. I like both photos, a lot. When I visited Seattle, back in December 1999, it rained the whole time we were there. We managed to see some nice sights but missed a lot. It would've been nice to have seen Columbia City.

    I've got a request: if at all possible, would you set your flick options to link to a larger version of your photos? Thanks!

  7. Ah, Kim! This is more like it! The globes on the lights are really large! Nicely done!!

  8. I was indeed surprised when you didn't mention the theme at first although your post was theme-orientated - good to see you've recompensed the oversight.

  9. Nice photo, maybe they'll get around to changing the bulb! I'm not sure what kind of berry is in my photo from yesterday, but I see them everywhere...thanks for visiting.

    Port Angeles Daily Photo

  10. Looks very European, rather then American. Perhaps it was based on a European design.

  11. I like both photos, but the second one is very unique! As for a get together...I'm all for it! I will be "away" from the 5th to the 18th, so let's check schedules and think of a time after that.

  12. I love your photos, as always. You have a wonderful vision of your city. I hope I get a chance to visit Seattle again some day.

  13. Kim,your photos and attitude are very refreshing!
    I will be checking in here often.


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