
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Does Your City Have Hydraulic Stack Parking?

Stack Parking

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

We discovered a downtown garage with a good weekend rate. Their version of stack parking is literally stack parking, using hydraulic lifts to stack them double. Some nice vehicles in view here. . .


  1. how in first the car top leaves ?*i don't understand !!

  2. The attendants use a valet style service. . .you pull in to the garage, leave you key in the ignition, the attendant parks it. You come back, give the attendant your tag, he finds your car. If it's up on top, he will pull out the bottom car, then lower the top car. He drives it to where you are waiting and you drive away. Hope that's helpful.

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