
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Biker Tourists' Halloween Spirit at the Winery

Biker Tourists Halloween Spirit at the Winery

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I met a couple at the Columbia Winery tasting bar who had donned their leather riding gear and taken a sunny day Harley ride out to visit the wineries near Woodinville, northeast of Seattle. She sported orange nail polish and he an orange shirt. They both had Halloween themed silver rings on each of their fingers. I just HAD to ask for a photo of their hands on the bar.


  1. Je te souhaite un Happy Halloween ;o))

  2. Great shot. I would like one of those myself. Happy Halloween.

  3. I am still in awe that you asked to take a picture of their hands...and rings...lovely photo!!

  4. I loooove this!!! I have a whole story in my head just by looking at those pairs of hands. I love that these are hands that have lived a little - adds to the fun. Did you get a picture of those two on their Harley?


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