
Monday, October 15, 2007

Soccer Match

Soccer Match

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

It was the pennies vs. the shirts on the Green Lake Park playing field. Seattlites tend to be active folks, and some of the most popular sports and outdoor activities that I've noticed women here participating in seem to be soccer, crew / rowing, ultimate Frisbee, swimming, lacrosse, track and field, cross country / marathon / triathlon, volleyball, gymnastics, rock climbing, hiking, and cycling.


  1. I'm glad I found your blog...Beautiful photos. I love Seattle too!

  2. Great action shots. I love the expression on their faces.
    PLUS this just happens to be the best sport ever invented... in one of the best cities in the world.
    Great blog!

  3. Francisco, Very nice to make your acquaintance here in the blogosphere. Thanks for stopping by!

    Olive, Thanks so much for your kind comments. I'm glad you liked visiting here,



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