
Thursday, November 08, 2007

More Than a Feast for the Eyes

The Sale

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Here in the States the fall and winter holidays typically include lots of feasting and sharing time with extended family and friends. Shopping at farmers markets at this time of year is a feast for the eyes. Throughout the year shoppers in Seattle enjoy an abundance of fresh, healthy, beautiful foods. I thought I'd share with you not only this photo of the variety of fruits sold by this Pike Place Market vendor (and a peek at what prices are like here), but also bring your attention to an opportunity in my sidebar to the right. When we lived in Berkeley, our next door neighbor, Jim, used to fast all day every Thanksgiving to remember the hungry. Instead of his family sharing a meal together, they would take a lovely hike in the hills or a bike ride and try to be mindful of all they enjoyed and how they might use their time and resources through the year to work for longed-for change. So, this is in the spirit of what Jim does every year. Oxfam is a worldwide organization I trust and support that involves regular people like you and me in effective efforts to end poverty and injustice. I hope you'll click on the link and consider this invitation to skip a meal on November 15 and share what you can. It could be a feast for somebody.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea - a neat way to help others.

    I, too, love the colors of Pike Street Market. Also, the smells are memorable, too! :)


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