
Saturday, November 24, 2007

Star Awaits 50th Anniversary Lighting

Star Awaits 50th Anniversary Lighting

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This star was not the first to be placed on the side of the Bon Marche (now Macy's). It is about the third incarnation created by the Bon's display designer, and it is this particular star's 50th anniversary of being put in place and lit on the evening after Thanksgiving, along with the downtown Christmas tree, the the light tree atop the Space Needle, and a broadcasting tower on Queen Anne Hill. As the star was illuminated last night, fireworks were set off atop the edges of the building while thousands of people crowded in the plaza and intersection below looked on. I took this shot at about 2:30 AM the night before when the star was still awaiting its lighting and tech crews were getting things set up for the annual morning parade. For a photo of the illuminated star and carousel, see my More Seattle Stuff page.


  1. Excellent shots you take, at 2:30am. Very cool. I didn't even realize it was the moon before I read your text. NEAT! Thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. " is this particular star's 50th anniversary of being put in place and lit on the evening after Thanksgiving"

    Wonderful tradition! Thank you for picturing it and sharing.


  3. Wayne, thanks for your very kind comments!

    Mari-Nanci, thank you very much!


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