
Monday, February 25, 2008

Hawk & Two Bald Eagles Circle U Village Apple Store

Hawk (Doesn't Appear to be a Redtail)

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Maybe they got word that Microsoft was trying to pick off Apple (as in Macs & iPods) or something? I don't know. What I do know is some gulls and crows were making quite a ruckus overhead at University Village shopping center. When I turned toward the noise and looked up, there were two bald eagles and this hawk all spiraling above the Apple store. To see the eagles, please click here to go to my More Seattle Stuff page. ID on the hawk would be much appreciated. It doesn't appear to be a red tail. I've never seen eagles and hawks soaring in close proximity before, and above an upscale shopping center!

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  1. It's beautiful, also the eagles.
    Have a great week ahead Kim :)

  2. great shot! i believe it's a juvenile red-tailed hawk (red tails only get the red tail after the molt in the year they hatch)

  3. Tanty, Thank you!

    Leah, Hey, thanks so much for this information. It answers questions I had about another hawk a few weeks ago as well.

  4. Wow... great shot! I love this. You do have some really great pictures on this page. :)


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