
Saturday, February 02, 2008

Tenas Chuck Moorage Historic District Mailboxes

Tenas Chuck Moorage Historic Distric Mailboxes

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Tenas Chuck is the original name of Lake Union. It is from the Chinook trading language and means little waters. This houseboat community is called the Tenas Chuck Moorage Historic District. Each of the mailboxes has a design as unique as the houseboat it belongs to.


  1. I need (want) one of these letter boxes! Fantastic :)

  2. Great! I love this shot! I'd want to know this place and its inhabitants, nobody can't be on a bad humor with so bright colors...

  3. D, a box of acrylics and a new box from the hardware store and you are on your way to having your own! Thanks for stopping by!

    Alice, They are real day brighteners, and like the houseboats, they show a lot of personality of the owners themselves. Hope your weather is heading toward spring warmth soon,



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