
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Call the Realtor!

Call the Realtor!

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Let's move in. This is perfect! We could buy it for a song!
Perhaps the only truly affordable house in Seattle is this one for birds among the plum blossoms on Capitol Hill.

Wishing all who celebrate it a lovely Palm Sunday and beginning of Holy Week.


  1. At first I thought this was a real nest made by a real bird. Then I saw how it was fastened. Anyway, it is nice and suits its location perfectly. Those blossoms are wonderful to look at as we are still cold here in SW Ohio.

  2. Nice to see the tree blossoms. It has been a long winter here.

  3. I love it!
    Have a lovely Palm Sunday too :)

  4. Lovely bird house in a beautiful blossoming tree. Three bird houses in my garden, already rent for the season by bluetits'families...(the best insecticide!)

  5. Sweet Picture. Great music, too MB

  6. love your site. like the music, too.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. must be some lucky birds right there

    great photo with the contrast from the blossoms!

  9. Such beautiful blossoms, lucky birds!

  10. Gorgeous blossoms, Kim! We keep hearing here how house prices are dropping and interest rates falling in the US (ours is opposite at the moment). Maybe if you wait til after the Fed reserve's announcement this week you'll be able to afford an extension??

  11. What a beautiful photograph. I have that same nest hanging in my garden but so far, no takers. Perhaps it needs your blossom to encourage some little bird to take up residence.

  12. Beautiful. I like your thought that we could buy if for a song.

  13. Thanks for the great seasonal photo, Kim. Just right!

  14. gorgeous. Love it!
    Love your sensibility, Kim. Bravo.

  15. Awesome! I'm currently looking for a house. I'm sure this is the only one I could afford on Capitol Hill.

  16. Oh my God! This is beautiful! I adore spring pictures...
    Istanbul Photo


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