
Monday, March 31, 2008

A Little Evening Sparkle on a Gray Day

A Little Evening Sparkle on a Gray Day

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Here are some of the downtown builidings on the east side of the high rise core. 2 Union Square above and the Experience Music Project below catch some sparkle at sunset. You can also see one of the round towers of the Westin Hotel at right and perhaps you can see a bit of the lighted red Roosevelt sign peeking out from behind a building. A trained eye can just make out the Elephant Carwash sign beyond the top of Purple Haze. Perhaps you work in or have visited one of these buildings?


  1. 2:45 a.m. in Seattle and I am online at 11:45 a.m. in Belgrade; so is someone from Lusaka at the moment...

    Lovely shot, Kim. So refreshing to see the standard buildings from a different angle.

  2. We were there a few days ago and took shots of some of the same from a different angle. We parked in a lot near that long yellow under construction building (or one just like it very near) and made particular note of the elephant sign and the EMP. I see the monorail track there behind the EMP, too. We walked under that as we took our "desert rat" four-year-old grandson to the top of the "Space Noodle." Out of the mouths of babes!

  3. Hi Kim - congrats on some lovely pics. Seattle is the one place in the USA which I would like to visit, having met some great folks from there on a tour in SA. Thanks for sharing these pics - it only increases my enthusiasm to visit...
    Best from Cape Town!

  4. THE most important thing in Seattle today is that it is Opening Day for the Seattle Mariner's baseball team (American League West) *and* there was a hailstorm this afternoon! Spring and spring - a beautiful day!

  5. Kim, the music is so great on your site and you really capture the beauty of this amazing city. Thank you!

  6. Indeed! I've worked both in Two Union and One Union. I love the light shining on the building. Lovely!

  7. Great catch ... I love city photos like this one!

  8. Beautiful shot. Seattle has really grown up over the past few years. MB

  9. wow. So brilliant and striking, Kim!
    I just bought a dSLR and am quite the doofus with it.
    I will have to browse your site for inspiration!


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