
Saturday, April 05, 2008

And I've Got a Bridge to Go With It

Someone's Got Some Angle Going There

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Someone's got some racket going on here. Well, actually it's just a rented water and sludge container at a construction site. But I WOULD like to rent out our gray skies and rain to someone who needs it this weekend, because, really, we don't! Two days of teaser sun and warmer breezes and its back to cold and wet. Consolation prize: since it will be a chilly and rainy weekend I won't feel so badly being indoors finishing up the taxes. Have a great Saturday everyone!


  1. This is funny.

    The colors and the photography are nice.

    I managed to post about my hospitalization adventures. Hope you get to read it.

    Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio

  2. Someone has a good sense of humour.

  3. We're not in the market, thank you. We got enough of our own. Damn, the Mississippi is high. Better go take some pictures.

  4. Hey, we have sun (for the moment) over here on the Olympic Peninsula! I hope it holds, I have three packages of honey bees to install in hives today.

  5. um, I might be interested in the bridge you say you've got ... -:)

  6. I think someone must have got a long lease, as after a couple of nice days, the wet weather has returned.

  7. Hi Kim - what stunning photos you have here but it has taken me 1/2 hour to download your page - so may not be able to visit as often as I would like.

    It is raining here today too but nice and warm - never cold.


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