
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ban Roll On Building

Roll On Building

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The green glass dome of the Second & Seneca Building is one of the most easily identifiable architectural details visible from the Seattle waterfront. The building has been lovingly dubbed the Ban Roll On building and R2D2 because of its distinctive ball shaped dome which glows from within at night. You are viewing it from the top deck of the Alaskan Way Viaduct in this photo.


  1. Never thought of it this way. Is Ban deodorant still around? Lots of free advertising! Lovely shot.

    A kid in my sixth grade class and I used to collect ban balls to use as marbles. They're pretty indestructible.

  2. It is impressive, Kim, and I can imagine that green really glows at night as you said. Nice shot.

  3. First thing I thought of was the ban roll on. Neat picture.

  4. I've heard this building referred to as R2D2 as well -:)

  5. Bibi, I haven't seen "Ban" brand deodorant since I was a kid, but that's the name that seems to have stuck. That's so fun about your recycled marble source!

    Abe, Thank you sir!

    Jim, Thank you.

    Chuck, Yes the alternate name inspired by the little Star Wars droid is there in my commentary, but I realize a lot of folks just have time look at the photo and title.


  6. hah - it certainly does have R2D2 like features :) Love the structures and the strong shapes! Nice image.

  7. Ha! Ban Roll On that's hysterical!

  8. In the 1980s, Sacramento got a Ban Roll-On building too! I think anyone born after the Carter Administration is too young to know what that is.


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