
Friday, April 18, 2008

Not Cooperating With an Officer

Not Cooperating With an Officer

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This police horse apparently didn't like going down hill on the cobbled street at Pike Place Market and kept balking, drawing a lot of attention with its whinnying. That pinto cuts a dashing figure with its tail flying, though, don't you think? Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Great shot! It's nice to know that not everyone agrees with the Seattle Police, LOL.

  2. It's a wonderful shot! Looks like the lady in front has her mane flying too.

  3. I am surpeised to see a Paint as a Police Horse. I thought they had more sense. MB

  4. Nice capture! I've tried and tried to get one of these cops on a horse, but they are so quick that by the time I get my camera out, it's too late. Love that you got one in such a good action shot.

  5. Now that is an award winning photo if I've ever seen one! Great job!

  6. what a pretty tail?
    The cobblestones and asphalt must be hard on their feet. I feel badly for horses in the city.

  7. Definitely a great photo. Good choice to publish it in black and white too as it adds to the picture.

    Hobart Daily
    Bicheno Daily

  8. This is great- and I love the B&W!


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