
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Porch Penache

Porch Penache

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

As people wait for true spring weather, I've seen a lot of front garden projects going on during sun spot times between rain storms. Mainly tending plants and cleaning up from the winter, but some major landscaping, too. The colors and design of this completed yard caught my eye. Someone had a large budget for a landscape redo which included a custom metalwork gate (the scalloped top of which is peeking at you at the bottom of this photo), nice walkway pavers, giant glazed pots nearly as tall as me and short flagstone planters with plants of amazing color combinations (not in this shot), and custom tilework kicks on the front steps. What's going on in your garden just now?


  1. I like that tile work. Our garden projects are still in the what should we do this year stage.

  2. Those tiles are beautiful.

    This reminds me of a project my friend and I thought of, but never actually did. We were going to walk around with mugs of coffee and take shots of each other sitting on other people's front porches. There are so many interesting ones in Seattle!

  3. Ken, That's exactly where I am, too. Too rainy to do a major overhaul yet, but I've got to get to it soon. . .sigh.

    Maya, That is SUCH a cool idea! I hope you guys will do it. It would be a hoot to see the series! One of my fave porches had six pair of wellies lined up neatly by the front door, all differing patterns and sizes. When our daughter was a toddler my husband used to take her for a walk around the neighborhood while I put the finishing touches on dinner. Often times they seemed to take forever getting back because she insisted on climbing up and down the stairs of every front porch on the block and wanted to hold dad's finger while doing so. He felt a bit awkward, but folks seemed to understand toddler determination to master stairclimbing as strange porch exploration:-).

  4. that should read AND strange porch exploration, not as. . . -K.

  5. Kim, except for the wooden railing this looks very European. Lovely. Porches are so unique and interesting. Love this!

  6. Hah. I can just see people peering out of their windows wondering what your husband and daughter were up to! Alas, my friend moved away from Seattle, so that project will not happen, unless I find someone else. I'm not entirely sure I would have the nerve anyways! Maybe you and I could try it sometime. You certainly seem to know some good porches already...

  7. Nice color contrasts in this pic.


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