
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Red Orange Tulips & Cigar

Red Orange Tulips & Cigar

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Tulips are finally in full bloom in yards all over Seattle. The unusually cold late winter and early spring even delayed the blooms of the famous Tulip Festival north of here in Skagit Valley, where hundreds of tulip varieties are grown for the bulb market. I was focusing on these red-orange tulips, standing uphill a bit from this gentleman's home when he stepped into his front yard to walk his dog and enjoy a cigar. I kind of liked the "man as bokeh" effect he created by stumbling into the shot.


  1. Hi, Kim. I like the man in your bouquet, although he's not as coloful as those lovely tulips. I love tulips--here they're popular, too.

  2. Finally a day warm enough to enjoy both flowers and cigars -:) But, back to Seattle reality all too soon.


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