
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Smoking Bubble Fairy

Smoking Bubble Fairy

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Seen in Pike Place Market: Gorgeous woman standing on a step stool, blowing bubbles, cigarette in hand. I saw her from a distance, but think she must have a Market performer permit. My husband had a permit to play his sax there last year, and I've only noticed musicians before. Oh, yeah, and that Silver Statue Guy who spooked people when he moved . . . ;^) Hope its a great Sunday everyone!


  1. Pike Place is a neat place for food AND people watching! Interesting neckline/strap detail....

  2. I hope she inhales some of the soap to clean her lungs after she smokes. As always a great photo on your blog

  3. Oh, I like this. And I love how the ashes from her cigarette are just hanging there, ready to fall if we even click on the photo...!

  4. Fun photo! That must be a great place to visit. The girl reminds me of the time I walked into my MIL's house and she was playing the piano with a cig tucked between her fingers. It was quite a sight!

  5. This is a great picture- love the quirky subject and all the colors!


  7. Fun! I haven't run across this one before. But I'm not there to battle the crowds on the weekends and I suspect some of the most colorful characters make their appearances when the market is the most crowded. Happy Spring -:)

  8. Yes, very theatrical. Why else such makeup on her cheeks? And who in Seattle would wear a garland of flowers for a belt? (Well, there's an old friend of mine in Wallingford who might She dresses up her dog as Superman for Halloween.) This woman is so lighthearted, so feckless. She could blow away with the bubbles.

  9. My eyes were drawn to the bra. I don't think I have every seen one made to fit like that before. Do they made them like that to sell or is this a home-made job?

  10. Brilliant photo! I love the outfit on this woman. So West Coast! I miss that in the couture out here.

  11. ah, I see she's wearing wings?
    how funny?

  12. She seems so far away, in her bubbles, like a child...I love this shot, Kim.

  13. Love the vivid colors and the °°°

  14. Fabulous shot!

  15. Love the contrast between the kids bubbles and the adults cigarette! Great find and nice image


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