
Monday, May 19, 2008

Cheese, Glorious Pacific Northwest Cheese

Lunch at Beechers

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

If I happen to be at Pike Place Market mid-day, I'll often grab lunch at Beecher's Cheese. Their sandwiches and mac 'n cheese are favorites of mine, and so is perusing their artisan cheese selections like this couple (below is what they see). I missed the 4th annual Seattle Cheese Festival held over the weekend, but heard from foodie friends how much they enjoyed it and how it has grown. There were over 50 exhibitors providing heavenly samples this year. There were demonstrations by local chefs (including the guys from current mobile Seattle street eats fave, Skillet) and seminars with US cheese artisans as well as one with France's Laurent Mons. If you missed it, too, there is still a chance to taste great cheeses: 38 Seattle restaurants are featuring special cheese-inspired menu items this week.

Beecher's Cheese


  1. Such a lot to choose from. These people are so dressed up it looks like they just got out of church and are hungry and are shopping for something to snack on until they get home.

  2. Hi Kim, Thanks for the great comment you left on my Toronto Daily Photo site. I love Seattle, it's one of my favorite cities, and I had a great time looking through your pictures. I must say that you set the bar very high in terms of both the quality of your photography and your interesting write-ups. I will definitely be following from now on.


  3. I like some cheeses, but I can leave the blue cheese group out. I would be interested in the cheese festival, although I don't quite equate Seattle and cheese. ;-)

  4. une fête des fromages, c'est une superbe idée. Comme 99% des français, ,je suis fou du fromage, avec une préférence pour la mimolette extra-vieille.
    a feast of cheese, it's a great idea. As 99% of french, I'm crazy cheese, with a preference for extra Mimolette-old.

  5. (Bravo, Olivier; d'accord pour la mimolette; chez Maximilien a Seattle on sert souvent une bonne mimolette...)

    Kim, love the photos, especially the second one, which made me drool on my keyboard. The thing I miss most about France is the cheese...well, I guess there's more than that, but still...

    I've had the occasion to taste some EXCELLENT American cheeses, and I also frequent Beecher's when in Seattle.

  6. Our locally made cheeses are from goat milk, but I like 'em all.

  7. I lOOOOOve cheese of all kinds,and gladly we are getting more and more choices from locally farmmade to import from France,Spain and Italy.

    But I don't think the coke she is holding,would be a great choice to accompany them!!!
    Nothing like a good glass of red wine to go with cheese an a slice of crusty bread...

  8. Mmmm...cheese. I like your photo of the cheese display for purely selfish reasons - I want one of everything. I especially like Stilton and gorgonzola (aka stinky cheese)

  9. Du fromage!!! Miam! :)
    I love cheese. I just bought some tonight - I am doing un vin-fromage (wine & cheese) later this week.
    I like the picture of those two on your first photo. They look as if they are stopping to buy cheese, just after the office. And then thre's the can of coke that is sort of out of place there.


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